Saturday, November 30, 2013


The past few months have literally been all about frizzy-dizzy days. My level of stress is pretty high most of the time. I’m under a lot of pressure to maintain above average grades while I'm being commanded to keep all my activities in balance. Well I’d have to say it’s a huge part of my stress. There’s so much homework sometimes and the teachers expect you to get it done. Then when the test come up you have so much you got to study for but you can’t take it all in on time and then you forget what you originally knew in the first place….. School is a major stress-out. Tons of homework – which I have been slacking on. And senior year is just a stressful time in general. But every time I get stressed, I just remember that I’m only here for a few more months. I realize that this is my very last time I wear this grey skirt. What an amazing almost-three-years it has been.